
Meet Debra Harris Founder of Hush Tours Inc

March 5, 2022
3 mins read
Debra Harris Founder of Hush Tours Inc
Debra Harris Founder of Hush Tours Inc

Debra Harris, a businesswoman, entrepreneur, and founder of Hush Tours, Inc., is no stranger to helping illuminate the careers of top entertainment figures.

Deb & Lisa Productions was her partnership that breathed new life into the New York City comedy scene.

Debra made a profit and launched the careers of some of the most popular comedians and actors today, such as Tracy Morgan (SNL) and Mike Epps, next Friday.

She also promoted the New York comedy scene.

Debra was born in the Bronx and raised by one father.

Her love for NYC inspired her to create hip hop tourism that combined hip hop culture and sightseeing.

The 40 million tourists who visit New York City each year was her goal.

Hush Tours is a unique concept because of the passion and talent behind this music genre.

Hush Tours’ celebrity-led tours are as electric as anyone could imagine.

Hush Tours is licensed in New York City to guide sightseeing tours.

In its 19-year history, Hush Tours has hosted over one million people from all corners of the globe.

Debra is married with two adult children and has been able to propel her brand into consulting work at various agencies and organizations, including the Museum of the City of New York, Airbnb, and executive producing content for Madison Square Garden Networks and MTV.

She has also launched Soul By The Mile events across the country.

She is an inspiration because of her intelligence, wit, intelligence, and drive to excel.

Hush Tours is a New York City and State Minority/Woman Business Enterprise.

It has been awarded the Bronx Tourism Award and Proclamations by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and New York City Council.

What is the story of Hush Tours?

In a dream, the idea came to me. Hush Hip Hop Tours was established to promote New York City’s outer boroughs, specifically The Bronx.

It also aims to honor the creators and keep the Hip Hop Culture alive.

How do you stay productive?

My day begins with my time. It depends on the week.

Some days are busier than others in the tourism sector.

But, I try to balance my time between emails and communication, admin, product and strategy development, and sales.

​How do you bring ideas to life?​

First, I write down my ideas in a notebook.

Then I discuss them with close family members and friends.

Research is a significant part of most of my thoughts.

The most exciting part of production is, for me, the development.

What’s your favorite trend?

You can work from your home without the need for an office.

​What habits make you productive?

Walking daily in New York City is a key to my productivity, I believe.

This city has so much history, both past, and present.

What’s your advice for the Noob?

I’d say that I am more confident.

What is one thing we can all agree on?

Businesses in the service sector find it extremely difficult to use social media.

​What do you recommend as an entrepreneur?

Find something that makes you laugh. At least once per day, have a good time.

What’s your rich strategy?

Our number one goal has been customer service. We treat our guests like extended family.

How do you overcome Failure?

I didn’t fully realize the impact COVID-19 had on the travel industry until the summer of 2021.

My business could not pivot to the virtual world, which I regret.

While I’m still figuring out how to overcome it, I look forward to some normalcy in travel/tourism.

​Can you share a business idea?​

You can add an extra function to your television, such as a lamp or room lighting—light, room lighting, etc.

What’s your recent best buy? ​

A few months back, I was riding the NYC subway and came across a group playing “I Love Music,” a song written by The Ojays.

They were getting busy, and the song made my day brighter.

I ended up dropping $100 in the bucket.

What are your favorite Softwares or Apps?

Even though I’m not too fond of accounting and numbers, it is something that I enjoy. Quick Books is beneficial to me.

I manage accounts payable and receivable while giving limited access to other team members.

Which book would you recommend?

Donald Miller – Building a Story Brand This is an excellent way for marketers to understand the various marketing methods.

​What’s your favorite quote?​

Start from where you are. Use what you have and do what you can.

Arthur Ashe

TL;DR by Debra Harris

  • Timing is a valuable resource
  • Keep learning
  • As an entrepreneur, choose the lifestyle that you want to lead


Enterprenuer is a social interview and story publishing platform for entrepreneurs, founders, businessmen, businesswomen, startups, and anyone who inspires people globally.

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