
Meet Danavir Sarria Founder of SupplyDrop

March 3, 2022
4 mins read
Meet Danavir Sarria Founder of SupplyDrop
Meet Danavir Sarria Founder of SupplyDrop

SupplyDrop is Danavir’s email marketing agency. It specializes in helping eCommerce brands with 6-7 and 8-figure sales scales by email.

What is the story of SupplyDrop get its idea?

Since I was 16, I have been an email marketer freelance.

After years of running a small business, I realized I wanted to create something larger than me.

Aside from that, I was interested in e-commerce email marketing because it requires more people to produce deliverables.

How do you stay productive?

My workday begins with the most critical task. I own SupplyDrop, so I focus my attention on the most crucial task of the day.

This could be a social media post, SEO-optimized piece, or just a one-on-1 conversation with a client or partner.

The rest of the day ensures that the agency delivers on its promises and clients are happy.

​How do you bring ideas to life?​

Research is key.

Creativity is about combining two ideas rather than making them up from scratch.

To help me develop unique ideas, I do lots of research.

Once you have formulated your idea, it is time to put it down on paper.

If your idea is clear, it’s time to get it done.

To do this, I list who I need and what I need to give them to get it off the ground.

If it’s something that I can do myself, I only consider the resources required to make it happen.

What’s your favorite trend?

Web3 is the most exciting thing right now.

Although most people don’t understand it, once they are “in it,” they will realize the endless possibilities.

You can, for example, start a multimillion-dollar media company with a popular NFT project.

Even if your Web3 startup is not yet established, you still have the opportunity to add Web3 elements into “regular” businesses.

​What habits make you productive?

Every night I close my eyes and make a list of things to do the next day.

This involves braindumps all my ideas and removing the top 3-5 action items the following day.

Then, I prioritize those 3-5 action items.

This helps me ensure that every day is productive, even though I may not work harder or longer.

What’s your advice for the Noob?

Double down on the things that have worked for you, even if they aren’t your favorite.

It’s much more expensive to do “cool” than what has proven to work.

It’s hard to succeed, and it’s not guaranteed that the “next thing will work.”

It most likely won’t. Once you have found something that works, double your efforts to make it work.

What is one thing we can all agree on?

Unsubscribes can be a positive thing. Many business owners are too cautious with their email marketing.

They are too concerned about vanity metrics and the handful of haters on their email list. Your email list’s purpose is to generate revenue.

Therefore, you should send as many emails as possible (typically 2-5 per week).

If you notice a rise in unsubscribes, it’s okay. You can then focus on your true fans.

​What do you recommend as an entrepreneur?

Before you do anything, make sure that everything you do is written down.

Take the time to ensure that your business is viable before investing in manufacturing.

It will be much quicker, cheaper, easier, and more cost-effective to determine if your supply chains, unit economics, messaging, and pricing work.

What’s your rich strategy?

SEO is a game-changer. Understanding how publishing velocity can transform five years of progress into just two years is the most prominent SEO tip that has worked.

My number one concern when I increase my SEO efforts is to publish as many articles in as little time as possible.

How do you overcome Failure?

I quit my online publishing company to pursue my passion for building an activewear brand for men.

The business was abandoned after 18 months and $14,000 in expenses. It was a disaster. It was terrible.

But, because I had e-commerce experience, I started a successful online marketing agency.

​Can you share a business idea?​

Barefoot shoes are sold as streetwear.

Barefoot shoes are still a niche market that competes on features.

There is still room for luxury barefoot shoes that are sold in drops.

This is the building of the supreme barefoot shoe.

What’s your recent best buy? ​

My kettlebell is the best $100 I have spent in recent memory.

COVID made it impossible for me to exercise at home.

I have stopped doing cardio. However, with my kettlebell, I can exercise more intensely than ever before the pandemic.

This helped me stay in good shape and kept me sane during the worst health crisis I have ever faced in my 100-year history.

What are your favorite Softwares or Apps?

I have found the “notes” app in every Apple product to be my #1 productivity tool.

I organize my ideas and help me brainstorm my actions items, so I know exactly what I have to do and when.

It’s not fancy, but it’s real.

Which book would you recommend?

Killing marketing is my favorite book. It explains how everyday entrepreneurs can make content a business.

Knowing the lessons in this book will help every company become a media company.

​What’s your favorite quote?​

“Going in the extra round even if you don’t think that you can is what will make all the difference in my life.”

Rocky Balboa

TL;DR by Danavir Sarria

  • Productivity means saying no to as many things possible, so that you can concentrate on the most important 2-3 actions for the day.
  • It’s important to focus your business model on what you are good at when deciding on a business plan. Keep at it if it works because it is very difficult to find another model that works.
  • SEO is a powerful business building skill. However, if you want to cut down on the process and get results in a fraction the time, you will need to publish as many articles in as short a time as possible.


Enterprenuer is a social interview and story publishing platform for entrepreneurs, founders, businessmen, businesswomen, startups, and anyone who inspires people globally.

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