
Meet Tom Keya Founder of Ruthberg LLC

April 1, 2022
7 mins read
Meet Tom Keya Founder of Ruthberg LLC
Meet Tom Keya Founder of Ruthberg LLC

Tom Keya presently lives and works in Dubai, UAE.

His work includes business strategy and business development, advocacy for a better understanding of mental health issues at work, and investment impact.

Tom is passionate about the need to support systemic changes in how employees’es’ntal and physical health is supported.

Tom is also a philanthropic and strategic worker in this sector.

He regularly contributes to various online publications about mental health at work and other topics.

Tom is a member of the Impact 17+1 Club and regularly interacts with business leaders from different industries.

They raise awareness about the need to make an impact across the board.

The emphasis is on each and the responsibility to make an impact.

​What’s your career story?

My mental health was in crisis after working for more than a decade in the City.

My late diagnosis of mixed anxiety and depression disorder led to many mistakes in my professional and personal life.

During my recovery, I had a realization. You will see construction workers wearing hard hats, hi-vis, gloves, etc.

A dedicated safety and health officer is also available.

This is not available to lawyers and other professionals.

This means you’re’repected to be able to handle everything on your own.

Professional services are not likely to include stress management.

It is essential to consider anxiety, depression, impostor Syndrome, OCD, and other issues that can develop in the workplace.

Therefore, we founded a company that focuses on staff members’ mental health. I didn’tn’tnt to be a lawyer.

I wanted to show that a company can look after its employees while still profitable.

It meant finding good offices in a prime location with lots of natural light.

It meant listening to staff, making sports mandatory, and bringing psychiatrists in every other month to discuss mental health with the team.

We were able to create a team that could withstand the most severe mental health pressures.

We made a mentally strong team, just like you would with exercise.

We saw a 250% increase in our productivity and have continued to grow.

This is the essence and purpose of a purpose-based company.

Berkeley Rowe is now closed, and I am focusing solely on Ruthbergs, a professional service firm, and mental healthcare initiatives like South, both a mental health supplement and my podcasts.

How do you stay productive?

It all starts with emails, WhatsApp, and calls with operations to ensure that the systems work.

Then it moves on to business development meetings, entertainment initiatives for staff, vision implantation, and client meetings and calls. And, of course, as many sports and fun as I can fit in.

I usually get up at 5 am and go to bed at 11 pm—it’st’sgreat time to be in business.

I will admit that I don’tn’trk all these hours, but I do feel connected. You don’tn’ten think it when you are motivated.

​How do you bring ideas to life?​

The right team. It’st’se, the right team. It would help if you had the right team.

My current project is a start-up idea. I have to accept my weaknesses and find people to fill them.

Then, I need to make sure they are motivated.

Every business is about selling. Purpose-based companies.

It is challenging to bring an idea to fruition without asking how to sell it. I need help to make my idea marketable.

And above all, can it solve a problem or create problems that will later require solutions.

Ambition and excitement are the first steps to success.

Then comes discipline. I enjoy picking an idea, putting together a team, and investing some time or money if it is possible.

Once I have been supported, I’mI’moked if it was doesn’tn’trk, I’dI’dse my investment.

Your ideas won’t realize unless you invest. You can’tn’tave it if you don’tn’tvest your time and money.

Business development is my passion. I love to create a logo/product or a presentation quickly.

This makes me feel closer and more connected to the product.

What’s your favorite trend?

I love seeing young people do well. With the advent of crypto, social media, and the business revolution, I love to see people become more independent or invested in their work.

Many people dream of starting their own business.

With the help of their phone or laptop, 90% of the work can be done online.

A PA or admin team is no longer necessary unless you have a large staff.

You can have logos and decks created from anywhere globally, and they will be delivered within days.

However, people who want to make a career in business are no longer content with merely working at their desks.

They have ideas they’ve’veen been exposed to and help the leadership implement them. This is amazing.

​What habits make you productive?

Sports. Therapy is another option, but it is not something I can do.

Sports can help you relax, improve your sleep quality, and reduce stress.

Every day, your mind and body will dance in a unique conference.

You can even win a little bit each day by running faster, lifting more weight, or taking on a more challenging class.

This clears your mind, gives you energy, and boosts your endorphin levels.

It is not good to sacrifice your sport for a more extended workday.

You will be more productive if you have worked out.

It should be part of your workday. Missing it is like missing a critical meeting.

Remember, this is the most important thing I can say. Ambition will get you 100% in the first two months.

It will then drop dramatically to 20%. You will then see a rise in your industry.

Discipline is what keeps a balance. It would help if you were consistent no matter what.

If you don’tn’tve discipline, ambition will fly by.

What’s your advice for the Noob?

It is a fact that you can learn from your mistakes.

My mistakes have made me who I am today, for good or evil.

One thing I would advise my younger self is to seek therapy.

Therapy is only effective when you feel well and happy mentally.

My dream is for mental health to be included in the school curriculum – with no test at the end. Our goal would be to teach people meditation and how to relax their minds.

We also want to help them train for the future. I would have been much more successful if I knew even a fraction of what I know now about mental health.

It is almost like getting therapy when you are going through a tough time.

It is different when you get it during a healthy period.

I also recommend more mental health supplements.

Just as we take vitamin C now and then, the same can be done to the mind.

What is one thing we can all agree on?

It is not a good idea to work from home. Working in a workplace gives you the chance to meet new people professionally and socially.

It’st’sgreat way to meet people at different times and in various stages of life.

These interactions help build character and educate.

This type of socialization develops the mind and can lead to better ideas or even better people.

While tech is impressive, it can’tn’tplace regular social interaction.

As I am sure you all know, most of the conversation happens without saying any words.

​What do you recommend as an entrepreneur?

You should network! Continue to meet new people. It is not enough to meet one person or even 100 people.

Business leaders need to meet new people frequently for collaboration, ideas exchange, and funding.

You can make more connections with people who know you and may be interested in your business.

Networking doesn’tn’tan attend networking events.

It is about meeting people socially, such as a friend of a friend or someone at the coffee shop.

Social media is a great way to raise your profile, especially if you have more people who know you.

What’s your rich strategy?

Both networking and mental health are discussed in greater detail below.

How do you overcome Failure?

Failures and stumbling blocks are part of the human condition.

You will occasionally get a knockout blow – I know from personal experience that it hurts more than those you didn’tn’tpect.

It is crucial to take care of your mental health and be able to recognize and accept the problem as a stumbling block.

Although I can’tn’toose one, I will admit that I’ve’ved many failures.

However, it is possible to feel like the world is against your back.

Every time you feel like you’re’renally moving forward someone comes along to ruin the party.

This is not true. The path to success is like a heartbeat.

It goes up and down. Focus on the goal and surround yourself with people you can trust to deliver what you need.

Nothing is impossible if you have the right team and are willing to work hard.

You may feel like you are running a marathon, but it is possible.

You’ll’llt there. You will get there if the path is blocked completely.

It’st’sst that you haven’tn’tt seen it. Take a break, and you will find it.

​Can you share a business idea?​

This is a great question. It’st’ssy to get the idea.

Find a problem, and then create a solution that doesn’tn’teate new issues.

You need an app that will allow you to access all password-protected items safely.

I don’tn’tke the password restrictions, caps locks, and special characters. They are often forgotten.

This app or device can be created, and everyone will subscribe.

It seems that the existing ones don’t do a good enough job. Create a better system than a password!

What’s your recent best buy? ​

A meal preparation service. They are not my investment, and I won’tn’tme them.

However, the food was delicious, and I am getting decent results. It is impressive that the food they offer is healthy.

What are your favorite Softwares or Apps?

I’mI’ming to be boring. If you sell products, Shopify is a great option.

Which book would you recommend?

The boy, the mole, the fox, and the horse by Charles Mackesy.

A short book in which every page is magic and makes you feel good.
“What’st’se bravest thing that you have ever done?”
T”e horse said, “He”p!”

​What’s your favorite quote?​

“e” eat isn’tn’ttal, victory doesn’tn’td, it is the will to keep going that counts.”
C” continue to persevere – regardless of what you’re’reing through, keep going.

TL;DR by Tom Keya

Your day should include physical and mental health.

It is as important as attending a critical investor meeting. Don’tn’tss it.

Hard work and perseverance are the keys to success. There’se’sways away.

Take care of your team, and loyalty may sometimes be more critical than competence.

Continue to move forward. Show kindness to yourself.


Enterprenuer is a social interview and story publishing platform for entrepreneurs, founders, businessmen, businesswomen, startups, and anyone who inspires people globally.

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