
Meet Matt Peters Founder of Search Manipulator

March 8, 2022
4 mins read
Matt Peters Founder of Search Manipulator
Matt Peters Founder of Search Manipulator

Matthew Peters is the CEO of SearchManipulator. He founded the company 12 years ago to provide clients with the best technology for managing their online reputations.

Matthew Peters is an engineer and not a salesperson.

He has mastered the complex world of the internet and all it entails.

Their online reputation is much more extensive than their reputation.

This contrasts with the constrained nature of a person’s reputation.

An unhappy customer’s negative review or an angry ex could have disastrous consequences for someone’s business or personal life.

SearchManipulator can help entrepreneurs and emerging brands increase their online reach.

SearchManipulator is motivated by a genuine desire for help and offers plans that give control back to the consumer, while SearchManipulator does the heavy lifting.

SearchManipulator uses expert search engine optimization to elevate all positive information about an individual or company to the top search results.

When a person or company is searched for, they are presented with the reputation they want.

SearchManipulator can customize every plan to meet each client’s specific goals and needs.

SearchManipulator has a deep understanding of the constantly changing algorithms and connections to outlets, which allows them to help clients achieve their goals faster and with lasting positive results.

SearchManipulator offers the perfect combination of innovative techniques, experience, and affordable pricing.

Matthew is a tireless explorer who goes above and beyond.

Matthew’s business is small enough to afford to keep overhead low, which allows him to pass those savings on to his clients.

Matthew provides a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Matthew has been featured on Huffington Post and CBS Money Watch.

He is also a regular guest on ESPN Radio’s Lunch N Learn.

Matthew received a bachelor’s in economics from Fordham University.

What is the story of SearchManipulator?

While working in San Francisco, I noticed that the company that invented online reputation management offered software to their workers.

Online reputation management was the future, and we wanted to be part of it.

We created DIY software to manage your online reputation.

People kept coming back to us, saying, “I don’t have the time for this.

Can’t you do that for me?” We expanded our services into professional services.

We wanted to stand out from the many scammers in the industry and show that we were unique.

So, we started offering professional services. Our services are provided every month.

The first month comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.

How do you stay productive?

I usually wake up at 8 am to catch up with any messages from my West Coast clients.

Next, I organize my team and send messages to check-in.

I speak to both existing and new clients almost every day.

Although I work long hours, it is probably too much for what I love.

​How do you bring ideas to life?​

Communication. It is vital to have a game plan. I then brainstorm it with the client.

Then, I will work with my team to expand on it.

The next step is to determine the steps needed to implement the idea.

What’s your favorite trend?

It has been a joy to see businesses embrace the digital world more fully in the last year.

We can reduce our carbon footprint by moving content from paper to digital.

Companies realize that employees can work remotely—this reduced travel, which also helped the environment.

We can make a difference by changing our ways of doing business.

I am concerned about the future world we leave behind.

You must be careful about what you post online.

It can harm your career prospects and make it difficult to get a job in the future.

Everybody, especially young people, should be mindful of the online reputation that they have built.

It’s always better to be proactive than reactive.

​What habits make you productive?

Positive people are more productive.

Negativity can lead to wasting a lot of time that produces nothing.

It is better to keep your eyes on the positive, even when there are difficulties.

It will be easier to find solutions and keep your mind clearer.

You will also be able to deliver results and keep your clients happy.

What’s your advice for the Noob?

Do not force your clients to use a one-size-fits-all approach.

My previous experience working for another company led me to the idea of a single process that could be applied to all clients.

It was easy to see that each client is unique, and the best way to work was to tailor the process to meet their needs.

What is one thing we can all agree on?

Ketchup is gross.

​What do you recommend as an entrepreneur?

Client status updates. Clients don’t like being kept in the dark or answering their questions.

It is hard to be a business owner when it is so busy.

But this is one thing you can do to improve your client retention.

This will help you stand out by providing excellent customer service.

What’s your rich strategy?

I could afford a coach immediately, and it worked well.

This is more efficient than working a la carte.

How do you overcome Failure?

I hired a young man to create software for me. He ended up taking advantage.

He could make a large sum of money by being paid for his fraudulent work.

Despite having a negative view of the industry for a brief period, I chose not to give up and learn.

I now have a much better understanding of hiring and managing my employees.

​Can you share a business idea?​

I don’t have any specific startup ideas, but I probably have.

Digital is the future of new businesses, so I’d start looking in that direction.

What’s your recent best buy? ​

I appreciate those who helped me, so I gave $100 to the person who answered my endless questions.

What are your favorite Softwares or Apps?

Zoom has been a fantastic tool to connect face-to-face with clients digitally and keep in touch with my team.

Which book would you recommend?

The 7 Habits for Highly Effective People is a classic that every entrepreneur should read.

​What’s your favorite quote?​

“Think before speaking.”

TL;DR by Matt Peters

  • Excellent communication is key to bringing ideas to life.
  • Negativity is a waste of time that kills productivity. Stay positive.
  • Provide status updates to clients on a regular basis.
  • Recognize those who work hard for your success.


Enterprenuer is a social interview and story publishing platform for entrepreneurs, founders, businessmen, businesswomen, startups, and anyone who inspires people globally.

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