
Meet Khuram Nasir, Co-Founder of Brisbane Boxing

March 6, 2022
3 mins read
Khuram Nasir Co-Founder of Brisbane Boxing
Khuram Nasir Co-Founder of Brisbane Boxing

Khuram Nasir was born and brought up in Pakistan. Khuram started boxing in 1993 when there wasn’t much buzz about boxing and the internet.

He represented his state at several competitions and has not stopped since.

After several gym moves and incredible mentors and coaches, Khuram and his brother Kamran bought their first gym in West End.

This was the start of Brisbane Boxing.

Brisbane Boxing is now Brisbane’s most cult-like boxing club.

It has three locations and supports over 500 members.

Members can choose from various sessions and classes to keep fit while also learning from some of Brisbane’s finest talent.

What is the story of Brisbane Boxing?

After years of training at the gym, a close friend passed it on to us.

Brisbane Boxing was born when we decided to rebrand the whole gym and all of the offerings.

How do you stay productive?

My day starts before the sun rises. It makes me feel more awake, and it sets me up for success.

Then I pray at the mosque then go to the gym for my first session of the day.

To keep my metabolism working at its peak, I’ll usually jump into 1:1 sessions with clients or do my workout before eating breakfast.

I avoid getting distracted by mundane tasks and prioritize the most significant studies on the day.

I engage with clients and train our fighters in the evening.

I value community, and friendly and dedicated staff members populate my gyms.

We are very fortunate to have the people around us.

​How do you bring ideas to life?​

I enjoy getting to know the problem that the idea solves.

I recognize that I’m not the only one who can solve the problem.

I will invite the team, other business owners, and team members to brainstorm.

Usually, an idea emerges from this point.

Then I look at the entire picture and consider how it can be optimized, how long it will take, what my involvement is, what support I need, and what time frame I want.

What’s your favorite trend?

Augmented reality: How it will transform eCommerce! I cannot wait to see how the e-commerce landscape will change in a few more years!

​What habits make you productive?

Although it may sound absurd, it is not doing too much.

It’s easy to get too busy thinking that we need to do everything.

It is easier to be creative and productive if you limit the number of tasks you assign to yourself each day.

What’s your advice for the Noob?

Isn’t hindsight fun! There are so many things. Get a mentor earlier, invest sooner, track your weekly, monthly, and yearly goals, and read more books.

Knowledge is power. Many excellent authors and experts can share their knowledge and experiences through writing.

What is one thing we can all agree on?

It’s possible to do your best but still fail. That’s okay!

​What do you recommend as an entrepreneur?

Concentrate on one thing at a time.

I tell my fighters and members whenever they feel that they aren’t reaching their goals.

What’s your rich strategy?

Take care of your client as your children.

Be sincere, be compassionate in your customer service and treat your clients the way you would like to be treated.

How do you overcome Failure?

It was a way of giving ownership to those who were not equipped to manage a company.

This simple solution can be solved with honest conversations and mentorship, but it’s still one of my best learning experiences.

​Can you share a business idea?​

Luxury Dog Inter-state Travel! Australians love their pets, and there are limited options for them.

What’s your recent best buy? ​

The best $100 I ever spent on Physio is by far the $100 that I have spent every month.

Taking care of your body will result in higher productivity and better quality of life.

Which software or web service can you use to help you be more productive?

All the Google apps! They are invaluable in my professional and personal life.

I also love the ability to store notes and files nearby.

Which book would you recommend?

James Clear’s Atomic Habits is excellent and easy to use.

​What’s your favorite quote?​

“No one is coming up to save you.”

Nathanial Branden

TL;DR by Khuram Nasir :

You get what you put in, so quality is more important than quantity

You deserve to be free to create and do better.

Invest in your health and yourself

You can be successful, no matter how inexperienced you are. As long as you love the subject and remain true to yourself, it doesn’t matter what.


Enterprenuer is a social interview and story publishing platform for entrepreneurs, founders, businessmen, businesswomen, startups, and anyone who inspires people globally.

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