
Meet Erin McConaghy, Co-Founder of Curated Care, Inc.

March 6, 2022
3 mins read
Erin McConaghy Co-Founder of CuratedCare.com
Erin McConaghy Co-Founder of CuratedCare.com

Erin Morgan McConaghy is a co-founder of STEM-based kids learning experts and babysitting startup Curated Care, Inc.

She began teaching movement-based developmental classes for children 0-6 in Tribeca 15 years ago.

She also created a curriculum and led staff training.

Erin received her AMS Montessori certificate in 2009.

She co-created a Montessori-based pre-school program in downtown Manhattan.

It focused on the observation of children ages 16-36 months.

Erin and Marlene Veloso, a fellow mom, co-created CuratedCare.com.

This online marketplace and app connect families with teachers and artists for at-home enrichment, babysitting, and more.

CuratedCare.Com is a resource that makes life easier and inspires children.

It also offers creative opportunities for teachers, artists, and childcare professionals.

Curated Care, Inc: Where did it all come from?

My co-founder and I met years ago because I was her first teacher.

She came to me looking for a sitter to provide child care and enrich the environment.

As the enrichment manager of the children’s facility, I was amazed at how many dance teachers, coaches, and music instructors were doing some babysitting and how they organically integrated these skills.

There was no way for parents or providers to advertise this babysitting service, but it was clear that there was a two-sided market.

To help both sides, we leveraged technology and market mechanics.

How do you stay productive?

Your brain, like most founders, is constantly divided into two focus areas: small picture tasks and considerable picture growth.

This means that 50% of my day is spent on mundane daily tasks like emails, meetings, and marketing initiatives.

The other half of my day is used to thinking creatively about larger-scale problem solving and new opportunities.

It keeps the wheels turning, not only for me but also for the company, to ensure scrappy creativity and the ability to pivot quickly and easily.

​How do you bring ideas to life?​

You want to do your best, and you never know what someone might be looking for.

Sometimes all you need is to get on with the job and do the work.

Do not overthink the task; get to work and let the ideas flow. Timeliness is important.

It is better to be first with a good idea, offer, or service than to be third with something more refined and sleek.

What’s your favorite trend?

Although the past year and a half have seen massive upheaval in our lives, there are many opportunities to rethink, rework, and redo everything.

While times of transition can be difficult for your financial bottom line and your sanity, they offer the chance for growth and newness.

​What habits make you productive?

I am prioritizing my time. It is crucial to know how to manage my time and put my brain.

Also, when to decline an opportunity or say no.

It would help if you tried as many things as possible early in your business career.

To find the right idea, it is crucial to quickly identify what works and what you do best, even if that goes against what you thought.

What’s your advice for the Noob?

It’s admirable to be quick to acknowledge that you don’t understand something and ask for more information.

Ask a thousand questions and admit that you don’t understand something.

This life is only one, so it’s better to grow than pretend you’re grown.

What is one thing we can all agree on?

Vacuum every day. Seriously. People are filthy.

​What do you recommend as an entrepreneur?

Be a quick responder.

Quickly respond to emails.

While I don’t think you should have an answer right away.

But you should prioritize all the requests.

A quick reply to “roger this and let me know” lets people know you are available.

It allows you to respond to others based on your timeline.

It will enable you to be thoughtful and not rush to get back to them.

What’s your rich strategy?

Make money every day by working hard. Do not just think, but work hard every day to build a business.

How do you overcome Failure?

Because of their experience in that particular field, I assumed that some people in the room would know the correct answer.

While I believe in listening to many opinions and bringing in experts for advice, you must listen to your gut instincts about what matters.

If you kept everyone’s opinions, your vision and passion would be at stake. Take advice, not an idea.

​Can you share a business idea?​

The subscription service collects all your unwanted items and sends them to the right charities or organizations.

This ensures that waste is minimized and resources are available for those who need them.

What’s your recent best buy? ​

Enjoy cocktails with jazz and good company at the Bemelman’s Bar, which offers the best drinks. It’s like a mini-vacation for your soul.

What are your favorite Softwares or Apps?

I love everything about Google. Gmail, calendar, docs, drawings, analytics.

Which book would you recommend?

Tools of the Titans. Tim Ferriss’s extra is great, but it’s a fantastic compilation of snippets from incredible visionaries.

​What’s your favorite quote?​

It’s my plan.

TL;DR by Erin McConaghy

Never afraid of asking questions. If you don’t ask, you won’t get an answer. Stupidity is better than foolishness.

Get your hands dirty and get to work. It will defiantly get you on the path of achieving your dreams.

Prioritize your time, be open and available to all, should open to learning, and be honest about your product or skillset.


Enterprenuer is a social interview and story publishing platform for entrepreneurs, founders, businessmen, businesswomen, startups, and anyone who inspires people globally.

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