
Meet Elliot Boucher co-founder of Edusign

March 28, 2022
3 mins read
Elliot Boucher co-founder of Edusign
Elliot Boucher co-founder of Edusign

Elliot Boucher, the co-founder of Design, is a B2B2C SaaS that generates over 1 million dollars annually in recurring revenue.

Elliot, now 23, has already started multiple businesses.

At seven years old, he started his first business selling marble.

At 15 years of age, he began to specialize in e-commerce and founded his first company at 18.

Elliot managed to build multiple eCommerce stores that made over 1 million dollars each year.

Elliot also developed online courses sold to over 25,000 students on digital marketing, no code automation, and eCommerce.

Design is his most recent project. It’s a digital attendance record, e-signature, and online survey system for education.

More than 600,000 students have used Design. Forbes featured it.

Elliot is passionately involved in marketing, customer service, and product development.

He is passionate about creating an environment where customer experience is top-of-mind. Elliot hosts the podcast Formation Innovation.

It features interviews with entrepreneurs and experts in France’s Education sector.

Elliot is a keen skier, snowboarder, and surfer. He does this whenever he has the chance.

Elliot loves a good book and will happily recommend books if you ask.

What is the story of Edusign?

Dylan and I set out to fix the problem after losing multiple attendance sheets during our master’s.

To digitize the attendance records, we created a prototype.

After several weeks of testing, it became clear that there was a much larger opportunity than we had imagined.

We set out to create a SaaS that schools and training agencies could use.

How do you stay productive?

My typical work hours are between 10 and 14 hours per day.

I get up at 9 am to complete small tasks, and then I go to work in the morning.

Quick meetings with my team are a must to help if someone is stuck or if there is an urgent need.

I have days with lots of calls and others without in the afternoon.

I adapt the rest of my day depending on that.

To spend time with my family and eat, I quit work at 8 pm.

I then finish any ongoing tasks or start small ones to close the day.

Before going to bed at night, I list 1 to 3 goals that I want to accomplish in the morning.

​How do you bring ideas to life?​

Always start small. I try to keep the big picture in my mind, but I focus on the problem at hand when I’m trying to bring an idea to fruition.

This allows me to quickly get results and then iterate until I find a better solution.

The Design was started with just one answer to sign attendance sheets.

We now have six options to sign attendance, send documents, and take online surveys.

What’s your favorite trend?

Web3 is something that excites and thrills me. Fascinating is the fintech and tech sectors.

The “metaverse,” as I see it, will not be a reality anytime soon.

But I am confident that web3 principles will be a part of our everyday lives very soon.

​What habits make you productive?

Inbox zero. It’s hard to believe that someone who receives more than 20 emails per day doesn’t like it.

It saves me time and, more importantly, it removes mental charge.

What’s your advice for the Noob?

You don’t know anything, so be humble. It is still important to remind me that today is a good day!

What is one thing we can all agree on?

Doing 5-10 minute tasks can help you succeed in any endeavor.

It is only about the first five minutes.

Many people believe they must focus for an extended period.

​What do you recommend as an entrepreneur?

Break down big ideas into small pieces. When I see the mountain, I have to climb.

I am exhausted. But, I can still walk a few steps.

What’s your rich strategy?

SEO was something we invested in early before we even had a product.

It continues to be a significant factor in our ability to attract clients to this day.

How do you overcome Failure?

I had many failures. There were so many; I can’t even list them all.

The trick is to remember that loss doesn’t last, and success does.

I kept my eyes on the next step and didn’t look back.

​Can you share a business idea?​

Outbound as a service. It’s challenging to find a reliable agency or do the job yourself.

It can work if you have a pay-per-lead service.

Stripe is an example of how the “your success, my success” model can also be monetized.

What’s your recent best buy? ​

I purchased a kindle. It was my habit to always have a book in my bag, and I love having 100 books in my pockets.

What are your favorite Softwares or Apps?

ClickUp. ClickUp is where I organize all marketing and product information.

It makes it easy to create lists, documents, sprint plans, and share information with my team members and externals.

Which book would you recommend?

On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft by Stephen King is an excellent book for improving your writing.

​What’s your favorite quote?​

“Make everything as simple and easy as possible, but not too complicated.”

Albert Einstein

TL;DR by Elliot Boucher

Reduce projects into manageable steps.

Don’t let failure stop you from moving on to the next step.

Invest early in SEO


Enterprenuer is a social interview and story publishing platform for entrepreneurs, founders, businessmen, businesswomen, startups, and anyone who inspires people globally.

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