
Meet Desiree Perez, Co-Founder of Roc Nation

March 8, 2022
4 mins read
Desiree Perez Co-Founder of Roc Nation
Desiree Perez Co-Founder of Roc Nation

Desiree Perez, a CEO running a New York City-based business enterprise Roc Nation, started as an agency for athletes and artists.

Roc Nations features imminent stars of music, sports, and film industries.

Desiree became very famous when controversy immerged between the Roc Nation and the former US president Mr. Donald Trump. Read Variety for more details.

Perez founded the company along with Shawn Carter “Jay-Z” and was the Chief Operating Officer between 2009 and 2019.

She was appointed to her current position in 2019, co-founding the company with Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter.

Perez was born in New York City to Cuban immigrants’ families.

She has 15 years of decadent experience managing nightclubs.

Perez gained a diverse skill set in that role, including financial oversight and artist acquisition.

The two started a business partnership that continues to this very day.

Jay-Z was booked for an engagement later in her life.

Desiree Perez’s Roc Nation responsibilities include short-term and long-term strategic initiatives.

She assesses the feasibility and viability of new verticals, ventures, or targeted projects.

She ensures that the organization’s current endeavors are still on track.

She also ensures that Roc Nation’s athletes and artists receive the best representation.

Desiree Perez’s natural ability to bring people together has enabled her to negotiate all major Roc Nation deals over the past decade.

Highlights include Jay-Z’s $200 million global tour deal with Live Nation and Rihanna’s lucrative sponsorship deals with Samsung and PUMA.

Perez was also instrumental in executing significant events like Jay-Z’s “Made in America,” which celebrated its 10th year in 2021.

Perez maintains a “big picture” view, but she also oversees the execution of each significant undertaking.

Desiree Perez is responsible for Team Roc, the company’s philanthropic arm.

She is a leader on social justice issues, such as prison reform or expanded opportunities for minorities.

These causes are also crucial to her in her personal life.

Perez believes that Roc Nation’s priorities reflect the same goals and motivations of many of its athletes, artists, and community members.

Perez is optimistic that the company’s vast resources, global reach, and impressive platform will bring about the change she desires.

Desiree Perez is looking forward to the future today.

She is excited to continue helping the multifaceted Roc Nation organization make its mark worldwide.

What is the story of Roc Nation?

Jay-Z had an idea back in 2009.

Jay-Z was motivated to help athletes and artists build their careers and wanted to do so in a new way.

I saw his vision, and we created Roc Nation together.

The company has expanded to many other areas of influence since then.

How do you stay productive?

There is no typical day for me because everyone is unique.

I am always available to speak with both inside and outside partners. I also attend many meetings.

As I want to see Roc Nation grow, I make sure that I have time each day for strategic thinking.

Jay-Z’s vision is always my guide, and I seek out opportunities in line with it.

At the same, I am always looking for areas that need to be changed.

I consider both short-term as well as long-term goals.

I do how we can best use our resources to achieve those goals.

Time management is essential when managing so many priorities and projects.

I have a system that helps me stay on top of all my tasks.

​How do you bring ideas to life?​

It takes a lot of teamwork to bring an idea to fruition.

We have a great team at Roc Nation. Each person has talents and skills, but all of us are focused on the same goal.

We begin by looking at the origin of the idea.

We discuss how it can be made possible and who will benefit from it.

Once Roc Nation accepts the concept, the team gets to work and executes it.

What’s your favorite trend?

Social media is fascinating. It’s incredible at connecting people in many different ways.

Social media allows people to share and communicate with one another.

Social media can also be used to spread the word to the world when needed quickly.

In 2020, social media increased attention to significant social justice reforms.

This was a crucial time for this new method of communication to succeed.

​What habits make you productive?

It is hard to manage so many projects at once.

I have my system, and I adhere to it regardless of what.

I incorporate new tasks into my flow when they arise.

What’s your advice for the Noob?

You tend to believe you know everything when you are young.

You don’t want it to happen when someone suggests improving the process or achieving a better result.

Over the years, I’ve learned that it is often a good idea to listen to others.

Sometimes you discover that they have a better method.

It isn’t brilliant to believe you know everything better than everyone else.

Therefore, listening is more important. It’s better to have someone who has worked on your project or can help you solve your problem.

What is one thing we can all agree on?

I am a morning person. I am free from distractions and can go with the flow.

My day starts early at 4:30 a.m.

​What do you recommend as an entrepreneur?

You think you can remember a great idea and come back to it later.

You think you can remember everything when you manage a project.

It doesn’t work this way. It’s impossible to forget something important.
This is why I keep everything written down. I also keep lists and make more lists.

It helps me prioritize my tasks and supports all my projects on track.

What’s your rich strategy?

You can’t be an expert on every aspect of a project or solve a problem when trying to do it all.

It is essential to seek out feedback from experts in different areas.

Place everyone in one place and provide all background information.

Listen to what they have to say. Then you can formulate a strategy or solve the problem. Next, take action.

How do you overcome Failure?

My nature makes me very impatient. I wouldn’t say I like waiting for things to happen or for people to complete a task.

This attitude got me in trouble in the past.

Now I see that everything moves at its speed, and my impatience will not make it move faster.

Everything will come together if I am patient and can be patient.

What’s your recent best buy? ​

I bought software to improve our business operations.

My favorite is computer programs that save money and make the company more efficient.

I enjoy the challenge of learning new things.

What are your favorite Softwares or Apps?

Excel spreadsheets are indispensable for me to do my job.

They allow me to track expenses and plan projects.

They can also be customized to produce reports and projections.

Which book would you recommend?

Richard Rothstein’s The Color of Law is a Forgotten History of how our government segregated everyone should read America.

He discusses how segregation has occurred in America due to policies of the federal, state, and local governments.

This book also provides a perspective on our criminal justice system.

​What’s your favorite quote?​

This is my favorite: “Life expands according to one’s courage.”

This quote is my constant companion when I’m trying to tackle something new or going through a difficult time.

I got it from Anais Nin, a writer whom I admire for her strength.


Enterprenuer is a social interview and story publishing platform for entrepreneurs, founders, businessmen, businesswomen, startups, and anyone who inspires people globally.

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